Metier Publishing

Welcome to my vanity publishing project where I present articles, essays and fiction I have written over the years. You will find items on history, politics, art and other subjects. You will also find short stories and other fiction. I am also offering autobiographical items under 'My Memoir'. 

Any item may be read online or downloaded free of charge. I will make some items available (in future) in printed formats or e-books at a small charge.  Navigate by clicking at the top left hand corner.

If you wish to copy or re-publish any item, in any format, please contact me for licensing arrangements. All items are copyright.

Derek Perry. 


To access an item, click on the item title.
For main headings, go to the navigation bar at the top left of the page.

My Memoir

Autobiographical notes, including leaving home at age 19, stories about going to London and other experiences. 

50 Years Ago Today : introduction

On the Brink 

Mysteries of the Apothecary 

Places I Remember

Descriptions of some of the places I have been over the years.

Hadrian's Wall

History Matters

My interests are the radical history of London and the history of the East India Company. My credentials as a historian derive from a Master of Arts degree in 'History of Ideas' awarded in 2012 by Birkbeck, University of London.  

Charles Bradlaugh: Early Days of a Victorian Radical 

Radicalism in Hackney 1700 - 1850 

Let Darwin rest in Peace 

Short Fiction 

I began writing fiction in 2022 when I joined a community history project to write historical fiction about the East India Company (see 'Seedlings' below).  I later joined a writer's group with my local U3A and entered a couple of writing competitions. Here are some of my efforts...


An exercise for the writing group which became a tribute. 

Seedlings of Empire

A short story about the East India Company and the 'Spice Wars' of the early seventeenth century.  

Charlie is my Darling

A short story for a writing competion in the Coronation Year of 2023.

Green Fingers 

Written as a competition entry in 2023 on the theme of 'Green'.